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Buy Zyban (Bupropion) 150 mg Online

Buy Zyban Online

Drug family: Smoking cessation medication
Bupropion is a member of the family of antidepressants, but is not used for its antidepressant properties. It reduces the symptoms of smoking cessation, although its mechanism of action in this indication is not precisely known. It increases the effect of noradrenaline and dopamine on the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons.

It is used to help smoking cessation, in addition to supporting motivation to stop smoking in people suffering from nicotine addiction.

You can consult the following article(s):

This medication should not be used in the following cases
a history of serious eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa ;

bipolar disorder, which may be aggravated by the antidepressant effect of bupropion

severe liver failure;

benign or malignant tumor of the brain or spinal cord;

a history of seizures;

persons in the process of alcohol or tranquilizer withdrawal;

in association with MAOIs.

The risk of seizures associated with this medication is estimated at 1 in 1000 for the recommended doses. These doses should not be exceeded. In people with no history of seizures, but with an above-average risk of seizures, the dose of 150 mg of bupropion per day should not be exceeded. These situations are: alcohol abuse, use of other drugs that increase the risk of seizures (see DRUG INTERACTIONS) and a history of head trauma. Any seizure occurring during treatment should be stopped permanently.

The risk of dependence on bupropion is considered low.

Any disturbing behavioural disturbances that occur during treatment may be an effect of the treatment in a person who was not known to be prone to such disturbances. The medication should be discontinued and medical advice should be sought. These disorders are more severe than the banal irritability or moral moroseness that often accompanies smoking cessation in heavy smokers.

This medication may be responsible for an increase in blood pressure, especially when combined with nicotine patches. A blood pressure measurement is performed before treatment and subsequent controls may be necessary.

Caution: sportsmanSportsman: this medicine contains a substance that may make some anti-doping tests positive.

Caution: driverIf you are going to drive or operate dangerous machinery, make sure that this medication does not affect your alertness.

This drug should not be used in combination with MAOIs (including those discontinued less than 2 weeks ago)

It may also interact with levodopa or with drugs that increase the risk of epilepsy: neuroleptics, antidepressants, anti-malarial drugs, tramadol, theophylline, cortisone derivatives (except creams), quinolone antibiotics, antihistamines with a sedative effect, hypoglycemic drugs, psychostimulants, appetite suppressants.

Also inform your doctor if you are taking an enzyme-inducing drug.

In case of joint use of bupropion and nicotine transdermal devices, regular monitoring of blood pressure is recommended.

Smoking itself can interfere with the metabolism of many drugs, so stopping smoking may affect blood levels. Inform the various doctors you consult of your intention to quit smoking.

The safety of bupropion has not been established in pregnant women. There is no scientific certainty that quitting smoking with bupropion is any less risky than continuing to smoke. The use of this medication in pregnant women is therefore not recommended. Of course, quitting smoking, without medication, is always desirable in pregnant women.

This drug passes into breast milk; a choice is therefore necessary between breastfeeding and taking the drug. This decision should be made in consultation with your doctor.

Tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of water, not chewed or crushed.

Adult: the usual dosage is 1 tablet at 150 mg per day, for example in the morning, for the first 6 days. If there is no contraindication to doubling the dose, it will be increased to 300 mg in two doses spaced at least 8 hours apart from the 7th day onwards. Never exceed 150 mg per dose and 300 mg per day. Please note that smoking cessation should ideally take place during the second week of treatment and not at the beginning. The recommended duration of treatment is 7 to 9 weeks.

The dosage should be limited to 150 mg in the elderly, in cases of hepatic or renal insufficiency, or if you are taking drugs that increase, even slightly, the risk of convulsions (see DRUG INTERACTIONS).

Like all anti-smoking methods used to help smokers, this medication can only be effective when the will to quit is personal and accompanied by a strong motivation. It is this motivation that will allow you to fight against the desire to smoke, without being forced to constantly call upon your willpower, which dulls with time. A smoker who wants to stop smoking for good must consider tobacco as a poison, an unacceptable addiction. They must come to terms with the fact that they will never smoke again, right from the start. Each day without tobacco must be experienced as a liberation, not as an ordeal. The smoker who is in this frame of mind is a good candidate for permanent withdrawal.

Among the disorders listed below, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between what is due to the drug and what is due to smoking deprivation. The current attitude in the official literature is to record all events that occur during treatment, whether or not they are definitely due to the drug.

Frequently (more than 1 in 100): nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, abdominal pain, insomnia, tremor, difficulty concentrating, headache, dizziness, depression, agitation, anxiety, allergic reaction, taste disturbance.

Occasionally (more than 1 in 1,000): rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure (which may require discontinuation of treatment), hot flashes, confusion of ideas, loss of appetite, ringing in the ears, visual disturbances.

Exceptionally (more than 1 in 10,000): low blood pressure, malaise, convulsion, irritability, aggressiveness, severe allergic reaction, joint or muscle pain, fever.

If you have experienced an adverse reaction that may be due to this medication, you can report it online.

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